
  • The return of the Berlin patient

    The attempts to silence oppositon leader Alexei Navalny have failed.The Kremlin always portrayed him as a minor nuisance, a simple blogger. His poisoning revealed, however, exactly whom the Kremlin considered the main figure opposing Russian authoritarianism. Navalny will emerge from this dramatic incident an even stronger figure
    by Andrei Kolesnikov
  • What to do about Russia after Navalny?

    The poisoning of Alexei Navalny on an internal flight in Russia poses additional problems to the West. German experts concluded that

  • Poison has become the fingerprint of Russia

    It seems medieval and extremely cruel to get rid of an adversary with poison. It has become almost a business card of the

  • Russia pursues 'dark power' and the West has no answer

    The nerve agent attack on British soil is a classical who-dunnit from a Cold War spy novel. More interesting than the murky details is the
